Sunday, April 24, 2022

Re: למעלה בקודש

תודה. איני יודע בדיוק מה אתה כותב שם משום שרק ראיתי את התוכן העניינים דרך גוגל, אבל יש לי כמה נקודות שאני רוצה לברר.
קודם כל, רציתי לדעת את המקורות ליחוס משפחת שפיץ. עד היום, אני יכול לעקוב את יחוס משפחתי עד לר' יצחק זעקל שפיץ, רבה הראשון של בונ'האד (בעל מחבר ברכת יצחק עה"ת, באור יצחק על הגדש"פ),  ופתאום מצאתי באתר GENI את שמות הדורות למעלה בקודש מר' יצחק זעקל שפיץ עד לר' ירמיה יצחק זעקל פרנקל. ורציתי לדעת מנא הני מילי (ובפרט שהרב יצחק זעקל פוללאק שליט"א מאנטוורפן לא הזכיר את כל זה במאמריו הרבים). 
עוד מעניין לי לדעת היאך קיבלו את השם משפחה שפיץ אם במקור היה שם המשפחה פרנקל (למרות שאני יודע שאין זה כ"כ קושיא).
עוד אני רוצה לדעת אם והיאך משפחה זו קשורה למשפת הרב יעקב פוללאק בעל החילוקים. יש שטענו שר' יצחק זעקל שפיץ הנ"ל הוא מבני בניו של בעל החילוקים, אבל לא מצאתי סמך שרב יעקב פוללאק בעל החילוקים בכלל היה לוי. יתכן שזה קשור לר' יעקב קפאל פרנקל שהוזכר בתוכן העניניים של ספרך שמצאתי בגוגל. וגם לכאורה יש סתירה בשמו של אביו.
כל טוב,
ראובן חיים קליין
ביתר עילית

Shalom & Kol Tuv

Reuven Chaim Klein

Beitar Illit, Israel

Author of: God versus Gods Lashon HaKodesh

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On Mon, Apr 25, 2022 at 8:24 AM Reuven Brim <> wrote:



שוי"ר, סליחה על העיכוב כי רק אתמול ראיתי הודעתכם, אינני יודע איזה פרט מע"כ מעוניין אודות מש' פרנקל כי יש על זה אריכות דברים בספר, נא לציין לי, כי אם הוא ענין קטן אפשר לשלוח בשמחה, אבל פרקים שלמים אינני יכול לשלוח בדיגיטל.


בברכה, ראובן ברים


From: RC Klein []
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2022 10:56 PM
Subject: למעלה בקודש


בבקשה מכם, האם אתם יכולים לשלוח לי את הדפים מן הספר "למעלה בקודש" הקשורות למשפחת הקצין ר' ירמיהו יצחק זעקל סג"ל פרנקל-שפיץ שאני נמנה מבין צאצאיו. תודה מראש!

הכו"ח בברכת א גוט מועד,

ראובן חיים קליין

ביתר עילית

Reuven Chaim Klein

Beitar Illit, Israel

Author of: God versus Gods Lashon HaKodesh

ORCiD LinkedIN | Google Scholar | Amazon

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Re: The JewishGen Family Finder:

I'm sorry I didn't get back to you; it's been a busy month. None of the names that you sent me match up with what I have in my notes, but the truth is that I don't know much about this Weisz side of the family, so it's hard to know if there's a connection or not.

Gut Moyed,

Reuven Chaim Klein

Beitar Illit, Israel

Author of: God versus Gods Lashon HaKodesh

ORCiD LinkedIN | Google Scholar | Amazon

On Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 5:10 AM ai <> wrote:
Hello Reuven,
I hope you were able to read my email,
I haven't heard back from you so I am not sure if you got it.
Best regards,
Juliana Klas.

On Thu, Mar 31, 2022 at 12:57 AM ai <> wrote:
Also, do you have any dates for Moshe and for his family so I can get a better idea of when Moshe's lifetime was in relation? That could help figure out where links might be. Thank you.

On Thu, Mar 31, 2022, 12:45 AM ai <> wrote:
Hello Reuven, my name is Julie Klas.
I'm sorry, but the only information that I have was that my great-grandfather named Emanuel /Mano Mendel Weisz was born in Ujvidek, Hungary (now called Novi Sad and as you know in Serbia). Born around 1872- and he passed away in the US in 1939. I have the month and date also, but not handy at the moment and I want to make sure I write you back timely. If you need it I'm very happy to share. 
I found his name and where he's from on a copy of my Grandmother's Birth Certificate.
My Great-grandmother (Emanuel's wife), her maiden name was Klein. Sarolta Klein born in Baja Hungary, raised in Sukösd Hungary around 1874 -194? Her father possibly named Josef. Again I'm happy to share the dates if you would like,  but I don't have them handy at the moment. 
  Also I did submit a DNA sample with My profile name is Jupi314 and the initials on it are JK. There should be a tree linked called "Julie's Family Tree" that should be public, but my sister said she recently looked for it and couldn't find it,  so if that's something that might interest you, I would be happy to share that as well,  but it doesn't have much further information about Emanuel Weisz and Sarolta/Charlotte/Sara Klein. 
I don't know when Emanuel emigrated to the US but Sarolsa came to join him with their 5 children (including my grandmother) in 1914 and they settled in Philadelphia. Their children were named Alexander (Sandor), Wm/ Jerry (William), Szerina/Rose (grandma), Gyula/Helen, and Louis (Laos?). 
I don't know if any of this information is helpful to you but I hope you are able to find a connection.
Warm regards,
Juliana Klas 

Please let me know if you find something, and I will do likewise.
Thank you

On Fri, Mar 25, 2022, 7:28 AM Reuven Chaim Klein <> wrote:
From : Reuven Chaim Klein, (researcher code 106665)
To : Juliana N Klas, (researcher code 143939)
Subject : The JewishGen Family Finder:

I'm looking for information the Weisz family of Novi Sad. In particular, there was a Moshe Weisz who was married to Rivka/Regina Galandaur, whose daughter Dóra/Dvora Weisz married Miksa/Mayer/Meir Kuttner who was a school principal in Bonyhad, Hungary. Does this match up with any of your information?

JewishGen | 36 Battery Place | New York, NY 10280 |

Saturday, April 16, 2022

על הרב זעקל שפיץ

רב תודות לכם שנתת לי פרטי הרב משה נצר מלייקוואוד, שממנו קיבלתי המהודרה חדשה מספר של אבינו זקננו זצ"ל באור יצחק על ההגדה של פסח, ואף נהנתי להגיד דברים בשמו בליל הסדר.
אודיע נא אתכם, שעכשיו אני באמצע מלאכת העריכה למהדורה עברית של ספרו של דודי על ההיסטוריה של עיירת בונ'האד, וקבילתי הרבה חומר בעניין מהגברת אילה מליק בירושלים. וגם שם בחומר הזה דנו על הקשר שבין אבינו זקננו הרב זעקל הלוי שפיץ זצ"ל לר' יעקב הלוי פוללאק בעל החילוקים. והיום הזה חיפשתי בגוגל ומצאתי משהו שלכאורה קשור לעניין: אולי יאות לכם להביע דעתך במציאה זו ואם היא מוספיה לנו שום מידע בעניין הנ"ל.
הכותב וחותם בברכת א גוט מועד,
ראובן חיים קליין
ביתר עילית

Chag Kosher V'Sameach,

Reuven Chaim Klein

Beitar Illit, Israel

Author of: God versus Gods Lashon HaKodesh

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Tuesday, April 12, 2022

The RCK Letters (Episode 1)

The bulk of the package consists of RCK's stamp and postcard collection. It seems that most of the letters are written in Hungarian or Yiddish (some of the Yiddish is in Hebrew and some in Latin characters). Some letters are in English or Hebrew. Many of the rough letters are actually rough drafts that he wrote before writing the actual letter. Apparently, RCK lived in Eretz Yisroel as a bachelor from 1954-1958 in Haifa and Tel Aviv. Some of the "mysterious" letters actually involve Shidduchim, but they were written in a צנוע way so you have to really know what's going on to understand the letters.
In today's email, we will discuss some letters relating to a specific shidduch. On Dec. 18, 1955, RCK received a letter from somebody named Shmuel Lowinger from the Pagi/Sanhedria neighborhood in Jerusalem. He wrote to RCK that he has a shidduch to offer him. Two days later, on Dec. 20, 1955, RCK wrote a letter back to Mr. Lowinger asking for the name of the girl and more details about her. We have two drafts of this letter, as you can see in the attachment. 
I wanted to some more research into the episode, so I simply picked up a Jerusalem phone book that we had around the house and looked up the name Shmuel Lowinger in the Sanhedria neighborhood -- and lo and behold -- I found somebody listed with that name living in that neighborhood. But I figured that he's probably already dead, because this story happened almost 70 years ago. I called the number, and a Filipino lady answered the phone. Turns out that Shmuel Lowinger actually died 23 years ago, but his wife (who is 90-something years old) is still alive, but had a stroke earlier this year. She put me in touch with Shmuel Lowinger's son Yaakov who lives in Ramot. I spoke to Yaakov Lowinger late last night and tried to figure out how RCK knew his father. I emailed Yaakov Lowinger a copy of the letters and he confirmed that it is indeed his father's handwriting!
As his son tells it, Shmuel Lowinger (originally from the town of Gur? in Hungary) was involved in community activism, and he was in charge of Kever Shimon Hatzadik at some point and was also involved in helping people get reparations after the war. Before the war, Shmuel Lowinger worked for the Agudas Yisroel office in Vienna and was involved in helping people make Aliyah to then-Palestine. As we know from the famous newspaper article about RCK, he also lived in Vienna where he worked for the Jewish Agency for Palestine, so it would seem that the two were likely acquainted with each other from their related work in Vienna. 
Interestingly, now that we know that RCK lived in Israel for a few years in the 1950's, we can answer something that I had been wondering about for a while. My father has RCK's copy of Rabbi Eliyahu KiTov's ספר התודעה (by the way, two families who are descendants of his live on the same block as us) and it is a very early copy of the work, if not a first edition. I was wondering how/why somebody living in NY would have gotten hold of this random sefer from the Holy Land which had just come out and hadn't yet reached its popularity that it now enjoys. What seems most likely is that he got the sefer when he was living in Eretz Yisroel. It should also be noted that Rabbi Eliyahu KiTov and his brother-in-law Rabbi Alexander Zusia Friedman (author of the popular Maayana shel Torah) were both very involved in the Poelei Agudas Yisroel movement (whose roshei teivos is Pagi, and members of that movement were the ones who established the Pagi/Sanhedria neighborhood in Jerusalem).

Chag Kosher V'Sameach,

Reuven Chaim Klein

Beitar Illit, Israel

Author of: God versus Gods Lashon HaKodesh

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