Sunday, February 21, 2021


If you look carefully, you will see that on my webpage I discuss that and it's a mistake made by another researcher who misunderstood something else I wrote. You have to realize there are two people named Binyomin Eliezer in this discussion, one is the FATHER of the Shenos Chaim (and his surname was Ungar-Auerbach) and the other Binyomin Eliezer is the eldest SON of the Shenos Chaim (from whom my family descends). The name Charna refers to the name of the wife of Binyomin Eliezer SON of the Shenos Chaim. On the other hand, the unnamed woman whose father was Rav Yaakov Segal was married to Binyomin Eliezer FATHER of the Shenos Chaim. I don't know her name, it could well be Charna, but I don't have a source for that and any sources I've seen that say her name was Charna quote it in my name because they misunderstood what I wrote on my webpage. 
Also, Rav Yaakov Segal's father was NOT named Avraham; his name was Tzvi. It could be that Rav Tzvi Segal's father was named Rav Avraham Segal. I don't have a clear understanding of all the generations of Rav Tzvi Segal's yichus as a ben acher ben up to the TaZ, but I do think I've seen sources that give his father or grandfather's name as Avraham, צ"ע.
How are you a descendant of the Shenos Chaim? Where do you live?

Zei Gezunt & Kol Tuv,

Reuven Chaim Klein

On Sun, Feb 21, 2021 at 2:32 AM Zevi Klein <> wrote:
Wow Thnks so much, if I have any more information I will let you know. But I was looking on the Kleinfamily website it looked like u we're missing charna who married Binyomin Eliezer grandfather her father Yakov segal 1780-1818 his father name is Avraham HaLevi segal

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