Rav Aharon Shapiro from Bene Barak wrote in his kuntres L'Mateh Reuven that the Shenos Chaim's first wife was the mother of his son Binyamin Eliezer and daughters Chana (Shapiro) and Rachel (Toub) and Leah, while his second wife (Miriam Greenberger, daughter of Hersch Ber Greenberger) was the mother of the Shenos Chaim's sons Hersch Ber, Yerucham and daughter Rivkah. Rabbi Shapiro told me that he heard this information from Reb Yerucham Klein a"h from Paris
When I spoke to Reb Yerucham's brother, Reb Benzion Klein shlit"a (who lives in Ramat HaSharon), he told me that the Shenos Chaim didn't have any children from his zivvug rishon and they were married for 10 years without kids and then he gave her a גט and got married to Miriam Greenberger, who was the mother of all his children.
According to the first version, what's the story about how the Shenos Chaim ended up with a zivug sheni? Did his first wife die? Did he divorce her?
Either way, we still don't know anything about the Shenos Chaim's zivug rishon.
When I spoke to Reb Yerucham's brother, Reb Benzion Klein shlit"a (who lives in Ramat HaSharon), he told me that the Shenos Chaim didn't have any children from his zivvug rishon and they were married for 10 years without kids and then he gave her a גט and got married to Miriam Greenberger, who was the mother of all his children.
According to the first version, what's the story about how the Shenos Chaim ended up with a zivug sheni? Did his first wife die? Did he divorce her?
Either way, we still don't know anything about the Shenos Chaim's zivug rishon.
Kol Tuv,
Reuven Chaim Klein
Beitar Illit, Israel
Author of: God versus Gods: Judaism in the Age of Idolatry & Lashon HaKodesh: History, Holiness, & Hebrew
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