Sent: Saturday, June 17, 2006 10:05 PM
To: 'Isseroff, Hadar'
Subject: RE: [ravsig] Connecting to the TaZ and R' Yitzhak Segal CHARIF
Sorry, I am not a direct male descendant of the ReMa. (I am descendant of him by way of my direct male ggg-grandfather's father-in-law.) By the way, is it true that ISSERLES is not *actually* a surname but was rather a descrpition of the ReMA whose father's name was Israel?Gut Voch,
Reuven Chaim Klein
http://www.myhomeloancompany.comVice President(Attention: Usually I can only check my email on Friday Afternoon and Motzei Shabbos.)
From: Isseroff, Hadar []
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2006 8:19 AM
To: Reuven Chaim Klein
Subject: RE: [ravsig] Connecting to the TaZ and R' Yitzhak Segal CHARIFHi Reuven,The American and Israeli branches of the ISSEROFF family are also descended from the TAZ through our great grandmother Soshe Greenberg, the daughter of Rabbi Notte Greenberg (a Chassid and a Kohen) of Novyy Konstantinov, Ukraine. However, I was more interested in your mention of ISSERLES as one of your ancestors. Are you by chance a direct male descendent of an ISSERLES or of the brother of the RAMO? I ask because I suspect that the family name of the ISSEROFF was once ISSERLIN or ISSERLES and would to compare my YDNA to that of male descendent of the ISSERLIN/ISSERLES family.Hadar Isseroff
From: Reuven Chaim Klein []
Sent: Sun 6/11/2006 5:39 PM
To: Rabbinic Genealogy SIG
Subject: [ravsig] Connecting to the TaZ and R' Yitzhak Segal CHARIF~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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For quite some time now, I have known that my gggg-grandfather,
Rabbi Binyamin Eliezer Ungar-Auerbach of Krakow (father of Rabbi
Reuven Chaim Klein wrote the Shenos Chaim) married the daughter
of Rabbi Ya'akov HaLevi from Wolbrom. Rav Ya'akov HaLevi was the
brother of Rav Yosef Lichtig/Charif HaLevi. The brothers were in
turn sons of Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch HaLevi, who was a direct male
descendant of Rabbi Dovid Segal HaLevi, the TaZ (Turei Zahav).
For some time I have been looking for the exact line of connection
between Rav Tzvi Hirsch HaLevi and his direct male ancestor the TaZ.
I have yet to get the exact line of lineage. However, I recently
found out that the MaHaRSHA (who lived in the same era as the TaZ
and was also a Levi) had a son-in-law named Rabbi Yitzchack Segal
Charif HaLevi. I was wondering if this son-in-law of the MaHaRSHA
had anything to do with the line which I am trying to trace here.
(See for more of my research
in my family's genealogy project.)
Reuven Chaim Klein
Surnames being researched:
In Munkatch(Mukachevo) and its surrounding areas(especially a village
called Kleczanev or Klyachanovo): ECKSTEIN, FREIDMAN, KLEIN,
In Bonyhad, a village in Hungary: KUTTNER
Sender: "Reuven Chaim Klein" <>
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