Thursday, August 15, 2024

Re: The JewishGen Family Finder:

This is one of the parts of my family tree that I never really go to study much. I do know that my great-grandmother was from Yoka, see here: and her maiden name was Lempl and her mother's maiden name was Reisner. Maybe you guys have more information?

Kol Tuv,

Reuven Chaim Klein

Beitar Illit, Israel

Author of: God versus Gods Lashon HaKodesh

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On Thu, Aug 15, 2024 at 12:37 AM Avraham Lapa <> wrote:
From : Avraham Lapa, (researcher code 440761)
To : Reuven Chaim Klein, (researcher code 106665)
Subject : The JewishGen Family Finder:

Do you have lists or details about the city Jelka [Slov], Jóka [Hun] , have you visited there, or do you know someone who has details about the cemetery and the records there, I had grandparents who lived there, and I would be very happy to receive some details, I would appreciate it if you could contact me by email

My grandfather's name is Stadler Drucker Zommer . I had other grandfathers, but that's for sure

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