Thank you for sending me the pictures, you know what they say: "Better late than never" (or in this case, "Better late than the late").
Indeed, the picture of your grandfather's matzeivah says he was a descendant of the Noam Elimelech. From what I've been told (from Max Steg), your grandfather is a descendant of the Noam Elimelech through his mother's side (Chaya Zlata Mermelstein nee Klein nee Friedman), and, as you probably know, that great-grandmother of yours is also my great-grandmother. Again according to Max Steg, Chaya Zlata's parents were Eliezer Friedman and Devorah Eckstein and it was the latter family which is reputed to descend from the Noam Elimelech, but that is the extent of what I know on the topic. So the question is if we know anything about the Friedman or Eckstein families and how, in specific, the Devorah Eckstein is a descendant of the Noam Elimelech. It would help if we knew anything beyond their names, like their parents' names (besides Eliezer Friedman whose father was apparently named Aharon Shmuel Friedman) or even which town they lived in (this is nothing new, I've been asking this same question now for years, but I like to repeat myself, maybe somebody will have the answers.).
Anyways, it was nice to hear from you and thank you again for sending me the pictures. Maybe one day we'll get some more information about all of this...